Friday, November 21, 2008

The Common App Guide: Future Plans, Personal Data, Address, and Family

Log in to your common app profile. Before doing anything, I highly suggest that you click on "Common Application" and take the time to read over the instructions page.

The next section of the common app is "Future Plans." Simply choose your academic interests and possible career or professional plans. These have no bearing on your admittance. Unless your academic interest is Performing Arts - Dancing, and you're applying to all Engineering schools, then this section is just for colleges' statistics in my opinion. Make sure your career plan is slightly relevant to your academic interests, and be completely honest here.

Tip: Be sure to press "Save and Next" when going to the next page! Retyping information and refilling forms is tedious and frustrating.

This form is also pretty self-explanatory. For an in-depth explanation of each field, view the instructions for the page by clicking on "instructions."

Click "Save and Next" and fill out the address page.

Click "Save and Next" and fill out the family page.

There is not much optimizing to be done in these first few pages, just logistics. The only advice I have is that you should be completely honest and give as much information as possible.

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